Update 03/14/2025 - ADV CBDCs: Control and Freedom at Stake

In my earlier article I was meaning to bring out the fact that Christine Lagarde (Head of the European Central Bank) has made a statement that the EU will have a central bank digital currency by October 2025.

I have written about the problems with these many times. We already have a digital currency already that those “in charge” can do a few clicks on a computer and conjure up trillions of currency units with virtually no cost and no backing.

In rolling out the CBDC, they will be allowed to maintain total control of how “their” money is used and spent.

I expect our “leaders” will soon come out and declare that we cannot let the EU get ahead of us and we will roll ours out soon also. (Just a guess).

Many may say that our President has banned CBDCs with the stroke of a pen. With another stroke he can mandate one. Would it surprise anyone if there was to be a flip-flop?

Augustin Carstens- the head of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements- central bank of central banks) is on tape telling us that this will give the central banks TOTAL CONTROL of our “money.” The reason for that is that even now- we have NO money. It is actually a debt instrument that is owed back to the actual owners- the central bank. The new version will allow them not only to track all of your transactions, but they can actually determine what you can and cannot buy.

Some of the most insidious problems are:

· CBDC can be PROGRAMMED to work in only certain locations so if there are lockdowns your money may not work anywhere that is deemed off-limits.

· CBDC’s can be programmed to EXPIRE. If you don’t use your CBDC in a period determined by those “in charge” it could expire and be WORTHLESS. How do you plan for retirement with THAT? (Augustin Carstens- Bank of International Settlements)

· Authorities can track EVERY transaction that you make. Are you fat? Those “in charge” will allow you to buy bananas and apples but no chips for you!

· Like steaks? They could say only plant-based for you.

· Drive too much? Cannot buy gas over a certain limit without permission from those “in charge.”

· Violate any law? They will just debit your account, and you may not even know until you see a statement. Far-fetched? It is already happening in China. Zeyi Yang in Postmag

In my opinion- and in the opinion of those far smarter than me- this is the most vicious assault on personal freedom ever cooked up. In China if you disparage the government, you may find yourself fined or banned from travel. Again- this is not speculation- it has been happening there for years.

After watching Mr. Trump and his billionaire buddies I believe the economy is being collapsed on purpose to make us so dependent upon handouts that they will be able to coerce us into almost anything like unwanted “vaccinations”- no shot, no cash!

I was told long ago that those “in charge” put up with us “useless eaters” (their term for 95% of us) and that now with robotics and AI, they do not need us anymore. It appears that those “in charge” are using our (the world’s) governments against all the regular people.

Doesn’t it seem strange that all of the talking points are all the same across the globe?

Things are indeed changing VERY quickly. If we do not stand up for ourselves NOW, we could be living in a place that we do not even recognize in a short period of time.

With the level of propaganda and deceit that is out there most people have NO CLUE just how restrictive and possibly deadly this could become.

Be Prepared!

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