Savage Financial Group LTD.


Welcome to Savage Financial

Along with challenges, the market also brings new opportunities – you just have to know where to look and when to take action. Over the years, I’ve helped clients navigate through challenging times with purpose and confidence toward their financial goals—whether it be though financial planning, retirement planning, or estate planning—and I’m here to help you, too.



Associated with the strength and resources of Raymond James – one of the country’s leading independent financial firms – I can offer you an array of personalized financial services, support and guidance that can help make a positive difference in the pursuit of your unique financial goals.


Recent Posts

As many people are aware, GOLD has been used as MONEY since biblical times. JP Morgan, as he was bailing out the entire United States Financial system, commented that “Gold is money- all else is credit”.

As such, gold has been used as a measuring stick to show how well or how poorly fiat currencies are holding their “value”.

Many economists will look at the price of gold-which has held its VALUE for thousands of years even though...


As everyone knows, I have been bullish on gold since about 2003. The main reason for my bullishness on gold and now on most other hard assets is that throughout history the same game plan has played out time after time.

History has shown that not one currency has held its value over time. Obviously, it is human nature that “printing” money leads to some boom times that most don’t want to see end. The “printers” then conjure up far too...


I’m sure that everyone saw the video of the destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge at a major port in Baltimore. My first thought -before more information came out- was that this is just great. We send BILLIONS- and probably TRILLIONS to other countries as our infrastructure crumbles. Congress is SUPPOSED to vote on spending that benefits ALL of their constituents. Of course, this has not been true for a LONG time but now that we are...
